A single dad perspective on life with children

About Jon Vaughn

Welcome to Full Time Daddy, I’m Jon and this will be my best attempt at explaining myself.

Eleven years ago I became a dad.  Some months later I became the custodial parent, working full-time and doing everything you’d expect any single mother to do.

The stuff you’ll read at Full Time Daddy will include my personal experiences with having a child born out-of-wedlock, being granted custody, getting married, having another child, getting divorced, being the Petitioner, being the Respondent, trying to date, the funny things my girls say, lots of “what not to-dos” and how I approach sensitive events and issues that I discuss with my daughters.  My daughters and I have a bond unlike any other.  We get each other.

It is life as I know it, and I’m happy to share with you what I’ve experienced.  My hope is to inspire other single parents by taking life a little less seriously and enjoying the time we have with our children, and keep trying to do the things that are ultimately in their best interests.  I’m not interested in politics or religion debates.  I’d rather spend my time playing hide-n-seek with my girls inside a department store.

Feel free to visit my website, http://www.JonVaughn.com or find me on a social network.  I’ve included this little form below just in case you want to send me a little note.  Oh and bear with me while I get this whole blog thing figured out, I just got started.  I’m also running a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for my project Genesis, a Child Custody, Visitation and Support Manager using mobile devices for single and separated parents.  Your support would be greatly appreciated.  You can visit the campaign here:  http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1700886053/genesis-a-child-custody-visitation-and-support-man


-Jon Vaughn

Comments on: "About Jon Vaughn" (2)

  1. What a great thing you are doing….not only for us (females), to read, but for all those single dads..some who really dont have a clue…to be able to chat and maybe get
    alittle …or..alot…of help……good for you!

    • Thanks Pamela. I appreciate the feedback, and yes, there is more to come that we should be talking about. Just trying not to make it too boring.

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